Peer-to-peer Remote Access
Cloud Servers and User Registration

Gateway Background GateWay

The Smart Home is becoming more accessible and affordable thanks to Matter, a new protocol that allows devices from different manufacturers to interoperate.  

Matter has the potential to make Smart Homes more accessible to everyone, regardless of budget or technical expertise.

Matter is a game-changer for the Smart Home market. It is making Smart Homes more democratic and inclusive, which will lead to wider adoption and innovation. Though it’s early days and still has a long way to go (you still cannot say “Hey Alexa, play Stranger Things on my Apple TV”), it's a great start.

Matter Security Vulnerability

Matter is designed to work best over a local area network (LAN). However, it inherits a key vulnerability from its predecessor: cloud-based service providers can access data and metadata on all Matter devices on your LAN when you remotely access your home. This could expose users to app tracking and ad pushing. Additionally, the reliance on app-specific Matter Controllers fragments the ecosystem further.

Privacy concerns are growing more paramount in consumer minds. Therefore, secure data transmission is required to eliminate cloud-based service provider access as information passes through their servers. Without addressing this security vulnerability, the Smart Home market may never reach its full potential.

The challenge is how to protect privacy and security while maintaining interoperability.

Primes Lab’s technology - Virtual Teleporter

Primes Lab's Virtual Teleporter™ is a disruptive Network Layer 3 technology that allows you to remotely connect your devices to a private LAN, just as if they were physically present on the network. The technology utilizes two VPN tunnels, bypassing intermediary cloud servers and user registration, to establish a peer-to-peer communication between your device and the private LAN. Deployment takes less than five minutes. Imagine accessing all your devices, files, and smart home gadgets at home tracking-free from anywhere in the world.

Upon connecting to a private LAN through VPN, virtually teleported endpoint devices seamlessly integrate into the network. Intermediary cloud servers are unable to associate user physical entities with derivative actions, prohibiting meaningful tracking. This enables the realization of P2P Remote Access (a VPN gateway plus a VMS server) and Tracking-free App (a LAN-mode chat app), bypassing user registration and intermediary cloud servers, facilitating tracking-free peer-to-peer communication access and chat by remote endpoint devices from anywhere in the world.


Private Matter Gateway (Fig 1)

P2P Remote-Access Solution

(a VPN gateway plus a VMS server)


Primes Lab's technology combines a Private Matter Gateway (PMG) deployed on your home network with a corresponding Virtual Machine Server (VMS) in the cloud. This powerful duo creates two secure VPN tunnels, enabling any Matter-compatible accessories at home to be accessed remotely from anywhere tracking-free, bypassing user registration and intermediary cloud servers. The same technology enables Tracking-free App Solution (a LAN-mode chat app) by virtualizing PMG in the cloud, facilitating tracking-free chat.

Additional Benefits

A fundamental breakthrough in computer networking, Primes Lab’s Virtual Teleporter technology provides many benefits to consumers and businesses alike. In addition to privacy and security mentioned above, it also offers —



The peer-to-peer nature of the Virtual Teleporter architecture allows devices as simple as a light bulb and as advanced as a computer or a smart car to coexist and cooperate without external intervention.



The value of many digital assets depends on their uniqueness and non-fungibility. Virtual Teleporter enables individuals and organizations to control their own digital assets without interference from others. 



Unlike Matter, Virtual Teleporter addresses the interoperability issue at the fundamental IP protocol level. Equipped with this technology, devices made by different manufacturers or loaded with different software programs can freely communicate with each other. Full compatibility is achieved, and future proof is guaranteed. 


Along with its great benefits, the Virtual Teleporter technology enables a multitude of new applications in the smart home and other markets. To list a few —

Secure Access

Secure access

Ensures that no outsiders can hack into vulnerable Smart Home devices like a network attached storage (NAS) device or a home security camera while still granting owner access bypassing user registration and intermediary cloud servers.

Secure Access

Remote control

Interact with devices or access a home PC while away from home without going through user registration and cloud providers (Apple, Amazon, Google, etc.) servers.

Secure Access

Private communication

Enables digital communications (such as text chat, voice, and video calls) to be strictly confined within the LAN or virtual LAN. No person or device outside the LAN or virtual LAN can eavesdrop or access the content of the communication due to no user registration and intermediary cloud servers. 

Secure Access

Digital bartering

Any two parties can directly trade their non-fungible tokens (NFT) and other digital assets, eliminating the need for any third-party exchanges bypassing user registration and intermediary cloud servers. 

Other Applications

Primes Lab’s solutions can be implemented in many sectors, such as automotive, industrial, medical, fintech, etc.









Ben Chen


Primes Lab is headquartered in Silicon Valley and was founded by Mr. Ben Chen. Mr. Chen served over 17 years at Kingston Technology, where he was its Chief Technology Officer until January 2022. Mr. Chen holds 40+ US and 50+ international patents in system, networking, memory, storage, and software. The core technology is based on decades of industry experience and world-class research. It has been Mr. Chen’s lifetime passion to empower people through technological innovation.

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